【Q&A】おつきあい・otukiai: meaning


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おつきあい・otukiai: Does it mean to date? or just hanging out?


There are 2 distinct meanings and usages for this word.

  1. つきあう・Tukiau (with anybody)= to have a relationship, to accompany
  2. つきあう・Tukiau (romantic relationship)= to date, to become boyfriend/girlfriend

How do you know it's #1 or #2?  Sometimes it's obvious, but sometimes not.

つきあう・Tukiau (with anybody) = to accompany, to have a relationship

This can be between friends, colleagues, neighbors.
Common phrases are:

(Jikan aru? Chotto tukiatte hosiindakedo)
(Do you have time?/Are you free now? I want you to come with me/Can you come with me?)

You are casually asking someone to accompany you somewhere. Here, "Tukiau" means "to accompany" or "to spend time with".

「かのじょは、きんじょづきあいで いそがしい」
(Kanojo wa kinjo zukiai de isogasii)
(She is busy with her neighbors)       [Tukiai becomes Zukiai for ease of pronunciation]

Here, "Tukiai" is used as a noun. It means general relationship. 

つきあう・Tukiau = to date, to become a boyfriend/girlfriend

You use this word when you are officially asking someone to go out with you, to commit to a relationship. Also, you use this word to say you are in relationship with someone.

Common phrases are:

「ぼくと、おつきあい してください。
     (Boku to otukiai site kudasai.)
[usually with O+tukiai]
(Please go out with me./Would you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?)

「XXさんと、おつきあい しています。」
(XXX san to otukiai site imasu.)
(I'm dating XXX. / XXX is my girlfriend/boyfriend.)

Tip & Comment

"Tukiai/Tukiau" means both a casual act and romantic commitment. Normally you can tell the difference by the attitude or how it's delivered.

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