
【CHALLENGE 03】~です・I am ~


You can pick any "Challenge" but it will be easier if you start from CHALLENGE 01

Each challenge focuses on a specific topic/situation. Once you learn the base format, the rest is up to your vocabulary.

It will be very useful if you learn the Sound of Hiragana, and Commonly used words.

Check out Survival Japanese "Boot Camp Series" for building vocabulary!

【Challenge 03】covers how to describe, make a statement

In general, Japanese people or culture is considered to be rather shy, passive, or reserved. That might be true compared to Western cultures. When meeting someone for the first time, it will be helpful if you initiate the conversation with self introduction.

  Let's view the challenge video!

A little tip

「どうも、xxxです。よろしく。」”Dōmo, (your name) desu, yorosiku" 
This short self introduction with smile works for most occasions. Japanese people may take longer to open up. You can talk about yourself and some general topics and see how it goes.

Let's listen to some conversation - start with a general topic


Verbal harassment has become a social problem in Japan as well. It's better to avoid private topics until you get to know the person better.

Let's listen to some casual conversation. How much can you pick up?

きょうは、いいてんき  ですね。(It's a nice day today, isn't it?)
 kyō  wa,       ii   tenki      desune.

そうですね。きもち  いい  ですね。(Yes it is. It feels great, isn't it?)
 sō  desu ne.     kimoti    ii      desu ne.

きょうは、へんな  てんき  ですね。(It's a strange weather today, isn't it?)
 kyō  wa,     hen na     tenki    desune.

そうですね。あめが  ふりそう  ですね。(Yes, it is, looks like it'll rain.)
 sō   desu ne.  ame ga     hurisō     desu ne.

ここの、めいぶつ は、なん ですか?(What is the specialty here ?)
koko no   meibutu  wa,   nan desuka? 

たこやきかな、おいしいですよ。 (Probably Takoyaki. It's really good.)
takoyaki kana.       oisii      desu yo.

いま、しゅん の もの って、なん ですか?  (What is the seasonal item now?)
 ima,      syun  no  mono  tte,    nan   desuka?

やっぱり、かに ですね。(It must be Crab!)
 yappari,      kani  desu ne.

しゅん・syun = seasonal, at its prime. 


If you have any questions on this challenge, check out the Q&A section to see if you can find answers. Or, you can submit your questions from HERE.


