Boot Camp

Boot Camp - Action Verb #1

Download Verb Table #1


As you can see in the video, verbs in Japanese can be seen as:

BASE verb + variation parts

The Base verb does not change. By adding variation parts, you can make multiple expressions.

For example, in Survival Japanese, the base verb for "to go" is "IKI". You add variables to this base verb to create multiple meanings:

  • IKI + masu = to go
  • IKI + masen = don't go
  • IKI + tai desu = want to go
  • IKI + takunai desu = don't want to go
  • IKI + masita = went
  • IKI + masendesita = didn't go

The base verbs don't change, so once you learn them and the set variables, your vocabulary will grow dramatically.

In this Boot Camp, you will learn over 100 base verb and 6 fixed variables. So, in total, you will learn over 600 expressions!



See you next time!

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We write anything about Japan, Japanese, and Japanese outside of Japan. We express freely our views and opinions, but never intend to offend or hurt any individual or organizations.

-Boot Camp