Boot Camp

Boot Camp - Action Verb #2

Download Verb Table #2


Verb Boot Camp #2 follows the similar system you learnt in Verb Boot Camp #1.

Now you learn base noun + variables to create multiple expressions. Accompanied verb table includes 70 base words and 9 variables.

For example, the base noun for "telephone" is "DENWA" You add variables to this base word to create multiple expressions:

  • DENWA + simasu = make a phone call
  • DENWA + simasen = don't make a phone call
  • DENWA + simasita = made a phone call
  • DENWA + sitaidesu = want to make a phone call
  • DENWA + sitakunaidesu = don't want to make a phone call
  • DENWA + sitakattadesu = wanted to make a phone call
  • DENWA + sitakunakattadesu = didn't want to make a phone call
  • DENWA + sitekudasai = please make a phone call

For each base word you learn, you automatically get 9 expressions.

Come back to this lesson to master variables, and try to memorize 2 new base words each day.

You will have 630 expressions in less than 2 months!



See you next time!

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-Boot Camp