Phrase of the Day

【どうしようかな・dōsiyōkana】what should I do?

どうしようかな・dōsiyōkana = what should I do?

You can use this to say:

  • What should I do?  

"Dōsiyōkana" originally means "I wonder how I should do it". This is straight forward. You say this when you are trying to decide something and not sure what to do yet.

You say this in front of people, but still, it's more like talking to yourself or asking yourself. After saying "Dōsiyōkana", you usually announce your decision.


   What should I do?


あした、えいが みに いこうよ!
(Asita, eiga mini ikōyo!)
(Let's go see a movie tomorrow!)

ああ、どうしようかなあ。 しゅくだい、たくさん あるからなあ
(Dosiyokana. Shukudai, takusan arukarana.)
(ummmm what should I do... I have a lot of homework).


   What should I do?


その くつ、かうの?
(Sono kutu, kau no?)
(Are you buying the pair of shoes?)

(Dōsiyōkanā. Chotto takai ne.)
(What should I do? It's a bit expensive.)


A tip

You hear "Dōsiyōkana" when someone is trying to decide, usually speaking to oneself.

"Aa" in front and after come in naturally because you are still thinking/trying to decide.

Let's learn Japanese!

-Phrase of the Day