
【CHALLENGE 04】~ですか?・Are you ~?


You can pick any "Challenge" but it will be easier if you start from CHALLENGE 01

Each challenge focuses on a specific topic/situation. Once you learn the base format, the rest is up to your vocabulary.

It will be very useful if you learn the Sound of Hiragana, and Commonly used words.

Check out Survival Japanese "Boot Camp Series" for building vocabulary!


【Challenge 04】covers a question form of "desu" = "desuka?"

With the basic question form "desuka?", you can handle almost any type of questions. You can find out about a person, a place, an item, etc. This challenge is focused on the simplest form of question.

  Let's view the challenge video!

A little tip

「です・desu」「ですか?・desuka?」are polite form. It's always good and safe to learn polite form first. Once you start talking more in real situations, you will notice how people abbreviate or omit a lot of what you first learn. That's ok. Soon, you too will learn when and how to make it casual.

Polite, casual, and seniority system


Here, "polite" is for everybody except for your friends, classmates, or younger people. In Japan, seniority is a big thing. Oftentimes, when you are one year older than somebody, he/she may treat you as a seniority.

In Jr. High School and up, and amongst colleague, the seniority system is alive and well. Even though younger generations may not value seniority system as much, it's still safe to be polite at the beginning.

Let's listen to some conversation. How much can you pick up?

あした、いそがしい  ですか?(Are you busy tomorrow?)
 asita,         isogasii       desuka?

まあまあ です。ごごは ひま です。(So so. I'll be free in the afternoon.)
 maa maa  desu.  gogo wa hima desu.

あの せんせい は きびしい ですか?(Is that teacher strict?)
 ano   sensei      wa  kibisii      desu ka?

すごく きびしい です。てすと も むずかしい です。(Very strict. Test is hard too.)
sugoku    kibisii    desu.    tesuto mo  muzukasii    desu. 

この みせ の りょうり、すき ですか?(Do you like the food at this restaurant ?)
kono mise no   ryōri,         suki   desuka?

すき ですよ。しゅう に 3かい きます。 (I do. I come 3 times a week.)
suki   desuyo.     syū    ni    3 kai    kimasu.

あのげーむ、おもしろいですか? (Is that game good?)
 ano  gēmu,     omosiroi      desuka?

おもしろいですよ。でも、むずかしいです。(it's good. But it's hard.)
 omosiroi     desuyo.    demo,  muzukasii  desu.

よ・yo / だよ・dayo = instead of "desu"


If you have any questions on this challenge, check out the Q&A section to see if you can find answers. Or, you can submit your questions from HERE.


