
【CHALLENGE 08】 5W Question form - WHEN


You can pick any "Challenge" but it will be easier if you start from CHALLENGE 01

Each challenge focuses on a specific topic/situation. Once you learn the base format, the rest is up to your vocabulary.

It will be very useful if you learn the Sound of Hiragana, and Commonly used words.

Check out Survival Japanese "Boot Camp Series" for building vocabulary!


Challenge 08 covers the first of 5 W-question forms: WHEN

  1. When: いつ・itu
  2. Where
  3. Who
  4. What
  5. Why

  Let's view the challenge video!


"When" questions are usually followed by action verbs.

Iki・いき (To go) is used in the challenge video.

It's very easy and useful once you learn the base verb and 6 variations,

Base Verb and Variations

BASE VERB = いき・Iki = to go

6 fixed variations are:

  • Current positive: ます・masuいきます(to go)
  • Current negative: ません・masenいきません (don't go)
  • Current "want to": たいです・taidesu いきたいです (want to go)
  • Current "don't want to": たくないです・takunaidesuいきたくないです(don't want to go)
  • Past positive: ました・masitaいきました (went)
  • Past negative: ませんでした ・masendesitaいきませんでした(didn't go)

Common types of question for いつ・itu・when

いつ + Base Verb + ますか?
itu                                                            masuka?
When                                                                      ?

いつ・When Base verb Verb variations
いつ・itu・when + いき・iki・go + ますか?masuka? (positive question form)
あした・asita・tomorrow + いき・iki・go + ます・masu (positive form)
いつ・itu・when + いき・iki・go + たいですか?("want to" question form)
らいしゅう・raisyu・next week + いき・iki・go + たいです ("want to" form)

Survival Tip

Subject (I, you, he, she, etc.) is omitted when it's clear what the subject is.

When you want to add other object word such as "I want to go to school tomorrow", "He bought the book yesterday", you need to use proper particles such as "ni", "o". If you are not sure which one to use, you can skip it, and still ok most of the time, or, another alternative is to say the word first, followed by the main sentence:

がっこう、あした   いきます。  instead of   あした、がっこうに  いきます。
gakko               asita         ikimasu.


その  ほん、きのう  かいました。 instead of  きのう その  ほん、かいました。
sono  hon        kino           kaimasita


If you have any questions on this challenge, check out the Q&A section to see if you can find answers. Or, you can submit your questions from HERE.


