
【CHALLENGE 09】5W Question form - WHERE


You can pick any "Challenge" but it will be easier if you start from CHALLENGE 01

Each challenge focuses on a specific topic/situation. Once you learn the base format, the rest is up to your vocabulary.

It will be very useful if you learn the Sound of Hiragana, and Commonly used words.

Check out Survival Japanese "Boot Camp Series" for building vocabulary!


Challenge 09 covers the second of 5 W-question forms: WHERE

  1. When: いつ・itu
  2. Where: どこ・doko
  3. Who
  4. What
  5. Why

  Let's view the challenge video!

"Where" questions usually ask about specific location, to/from the location.

[どこ・doko] is always a question. so when you hear "どこ・doko", the answer must include location. 

You hear these often

  • どこ・doko?⇒ where? : asking for a location
  • どこ・dokoni?⇒ in/at where?: asking for a destination/location
  • どこ・dokode?⇒ at where?: asking for a location of action
  • どこ・dokoe?⇒ to where?: asking for a direction/destination
  • どこまで・dokomade?⇒ how far/to where?: asking how far (can be non-distance)
  • どこから・dokokara?⇒ from where?: asking for the origin
  • どこ・dokono?⇒ of where?: asking where it belongs


Common question form for どこ・doko・where

どこ・Doko Example What it means
どこ・doko・where + ですか・desuka? Where?
どこに・dokoni・in/at where + いきたいですか?・ikitai desuka? Where (do you) want to go (to)?
どこで・dokode・at where + あそびますか?・asobi masuka? Where (do you) play (at)?
どこへ・doke・to where + いきましたか?・iki masitaka? Where (did you) go (to)?
どこまで・dokomade・how far +  あるきますか?・aruki masuka? How far (do you) walk?
どこから・dokokara・from where +  きましたか?・ki masitaka? Where (did you) come from?
どこの・dokono・of where + おみせですか?・omise desuka? Which store is it?

Survival Tip

Particles are hard to master even for native speakers. Try to remember the most commonly used question types first:

When you answer, "doko" is replaced by the answer word, and "ka?" of course is removed. In casual conversation, you can omit the part in (  ) below since it's a repetition.

Let's listen to some casual conversations. How much can you pick up?

どこ? ⇒ どこですか?(Where is it?) ⇒ がっこうは、よこはまです。  
doko?       doko desu ka                        gakkō wa  Yokohama desu

どこ ⇒ どこいきましたか?【Where did you go?】 ⇒ はらじゅくに(いきました)。
doko ni?       doko ni iki masita ka                                      Harajuku ni (iki masita)

どこ ⇒ どこたべたいですか?【Where do you want to eat?】 ⇒ まくどなるどで(たべたい)。
doko de?      doko de tabe taidesu ka                                                   McDonald de tabetai

どこ ⇒ どこいきたいですか?【Where do you want to go?】 ⇒ はらじゅくへ(いきたいです)。
doko e?        doko e iki taidesu ka                                                        Harajuku e iki taidesu

どこまで ⇒ どこまでよみましたか?【How far did you read?】 ⇒ ぜんぶ(よみました)。
doko made?    doko made yomi masita ka                                       zenbu yomi masita

どこから ⇒ どこからきましたか?【Where did you come from?】 ⇒ オーストラリアから(きました)。
doko kara?      doko kara ki masita ka                                                   Australia kara ki masita

どこ ⇒ どこおみせですか?【Where is the store located?】 ⇒ しぶやの(おみせです)。
doko no?      doko no omise desu ka                                                 Sibuya no omise desu


If you have any questions on this challenge, check out the Q&A section to see if you can find answers. Or, you can submit your questions from HERE.

