
【CHALLENGE 11】5W Question form - WHAT


You can pick any "Challenge" but it will be easier if you start from CHALLENGE 01

Each challenge focuses on a specific topic/situation. Once you learn the base format, the rest is up to your vocabulary.

It will be very useful if you learn the Sound of Hiragana, and Commonly used words.

Check out Survival Japanese "Boot Camp Series" for building vocabulary!


Challenge 11 covers the fourth of 5 W-question forms: WHAT (Subject matter)

  1. When: いつ・itu
  2. Where: どこ・doko
  3. Who: だれ・dare
  4. What:なに・nani
  5. Why

Let's view the challenge video!

This video focuses on how you explain/answer about "THE SUBJECT" matter.


Please note:

"What" questions ask for information about something (usually non-human).
In this challenge, we focus on how you answer or explain about the subject matter.

[なに・nani] is always a question. so when you hear "なに・nani", the answer must include specific information about something. 

You hear these often

Common types of question using "なに・nani":

  • なに?/なんですか?・nani? ⇒ what?
  • なに?/なんですか?・sore nani?/sore nandesuka? ⇒ what is it?
  • なに?/なんですか?・onamae wa nandesuka? ⇒ what is your name?
  • なに・naniga?⇒ nani ga suki (desuka)? ⇒ what do you like?
  • なに・naniga?⇒ nani ga hosii (desuka)? ⇒ what do you want?
  • なに・naniga?⇒ nani ga sitai (desuka)? ⇒ what do you want to do?
  • なに・nanio?⇒ nani o kaimasitaka? ⇒ what did you buy?
  • なに・nanio?⇒ nani o tabetai desuka? ⇒ what do you want to eat? 
  • なに・nanio?⇒ nani o siteirun desuka? ⇒ what are you doing?
  • なん(なにの)?・nanno? ⇒ nanno benkyo o siteimasuka? ⇒ what do you study?
  • なん(なにの)?・nanno? ⇒ nanno hon desuka? ⇒ what book is it? 
  • なん(なにの)?・nanno? ⇒ nanno jugyō? ⇒ what class?


Common question form for なに・nani・what

なに・what Example What it means
なに/なん・nani/nan・what + ですか・desuka? What?
なにが・naniga・what + すきですか?・suki desu ka? What do you like?
なにを・nanio・what + たべますか?・tabe masu ka? What (do you) eat?
なにの/なんの・nanino/nanno・what + ほんですか?・hon desu ka? What  book is it?
なにと・nanito・what + まぜますか?・maze masu ka? What (do you) mix with?

Survival Tip

Answer to "what" questions can be short, one word.

Let's listen to some casual conversations. How much can you pick up? 

なに? ⇒ それ、なんですか?【What is it?】⇒ あたらしいすまほです/new smart phone.  
nani?         sore    nan desu ka                           atarasii sumaho desu

なに ⇒ なにほしいですか?【What do you want?】 ⇒ あたらしいくつ/new shoes.
nani ga          nani ga hosii desu ka                                         atarasii kutu

なに ⇒ なにつくりましたか?【What did you make?】 ⇒ すきやき/sukiyaki.
nani o            nani o tukuri masita ka                                           sukiyaki

なん ⇒ なんはなしですか?【talking about what?】 ⇒ りょこうのはなしです/about a trip.
nan no          nan no hanasi desuka                                         ryokō no hanasi desu

なに ⇒ なになにがひつようですか?【what & what do you need?】 ⇒ さとうとしお/sugar & salt.
nani to?       nani to nani ga hituyō desu ka                                                     satō to sio


If you have any questions on this challenge, check out the Q&A section to see if you can find answers. Or, you can submit your questions from HERE.

