
【CHALLENGE 12】5W Question form - WHY


You can pick any "Challenge" but it will be easier if you start from CHALLENGE 01

Each challenge focuses on a specific topic/situation. Once you learn the base format, the rest is up to your vocabulary.

It will be very useful if you learn the Sound of Hiragana, and Commonly used words.

Check out Survival Japanese "Boot Camp Series" for building vocabulary!


Challenge 12 covers the last of 5 W-question forms: WHY

  1. When: いつ・itu
  2. Where: どこ・doko
  3. Who: だれ・dare
  4. What: なに・nani
  5. Why: なぜ・naze

  Let's view the challenge video!


"Why" questions ask about reasons.

[なぜ/どうして・naze/dōsite] is always a question. so when you hear "なぜ/どうして・naze/dōsite", the answer must include some reason or explanation. 

You hear these often

  • なぜ(ですか)?・naze (desuka)? ⇒ why? : asking for a reason 
  • どうして(ですか)?・dōsite (desuka)? ⇒ why?: asking for a reason
  • なぜですか?・naze ~ (desuka)? ⇒ why ~? 【asking more specifically】
  • どうしてですか?・dōsite ~ (desuka)? ⇒ why ~? 【asking more specifically】

Answer will be:

  • ~だから・~dakara ⇒ because ~w
  • ~から・~kara ⇒ because ~w

As explained in the video, if you are not sure which one to use, you can use "dakara", such as:



Common question forms for なぜ?naze?・どうして?dōsite?

なぜ・naze/どうして・dōsite Example What it means
なぜ・naze + ですか・desuka? Why?
どうして・dōsite + ですか?・desuka? Why?
なんで・nande + ですか?・desuka? Why?
どうして・dōsite? + きらい(ですか)?・kirai(desuka)? Why you don't like it?
どうして・dōsite? + おこる(んですか)?・okoru(n desuka)? Why you get angry?
どうして・dōsite? + おこるの?・okoruno?  【casual】 Why you get angry?

Survival Tip

When you answer, "why" questions, "answer word" is usually followed by "dakara/kara". 
For example, 

  • かわいい から/(かわいい、だから)
  • おいしい から/(おいしい、だから)
  • いそがしい から/(いそがしい、だから)

Let's listen to some casual conversations. How much can you pick up?

どうして? ⇒ どうしてたべないの?(why don't you eat?) ⇒ おなか(が)いっぱいだから/I'm full.  
dōsite              dōsite tabenai no                                          onaka (ga) ippai dakara

どうして、きのうやすんだの?(why absent yesterday?) ⇒ かぜだったから/かぜだった、だから/got a cold.
dosite         kinō  yasunda no                                           kaze datta kara/kaze desita, dakara

どうしてべんきょうしないの? ⇒【Why you don't study?】⇒ きのう したから/きのう しました、だから。
dōsite benkyō sinaino                                                            kinō sita kara/kinō sita, dakara.
                                                                                                           (I did yesterday) 

どうして いかないの? ⇒  【Why you don't go?】 ⇒ いそがしいから(です)/いそがしい、だからです (busy) 
dōsite ikanai no                     isogasii kara desu/isogasii, dakara desu

どうして?/どうしてなの? ⇒ 【Why?】 ⇒ どうしても!(no matter what/just not)
dōsite?/dōsite nano                                     dōsitemo

"Dōsitemo" is an answer when you don't want to say why. This means "I just don't want to!"


If you have any questions on this challenge, check out the Q&A section to see if you can find answers. Or, you can submit your questions from HERE.


